March 10, 2025
Communication Skills Training Program

For every course purchased from the Online Career Development Course catalogue, you will receive the online, self-paced course After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to Communicate with Confidence, which you will receive within 24-48 hours of submitting your registration.

The need for effective communicators is widespread across almost every industry. A strong set of communication skills can make all the difference when it comes to landing that next questionnaire or promotion, whether you’re writing and editing documents in various formats, communicating effectively in email messages and memos, or presenting to colleagues and upper-level executives. We can help you build your self belief in interaction both professionally and personally, for example, through online speaking classes.

Take communication skills training program to further your education and learn the fundamentals of different mediums to improve your current communication skills. You can either take these online writing courses individually or as part of a certificate package that includes public speaking, presentation, and communication courses at a discounted rate.

Communication Skills Training Program

Obtaining a Certificate in Business Communication

Develop your skills in creating many of the most commonly used business communication formats, such as memos, reports and booklets, as well as proposals, presentations and catalogues, as well as websites. Topics covered include verbal and nonverbal outlining techniques, sending and receiving e-mail in an appropriate manner in an organisational setting, and updating for writing style, unnecessary phrases among other aspects.

Communicating in a Collaborative Environment

The good communication skills with team members of the group has become increasingly important as organisations have increasingly relied on collaborative efforts to achieve their objectives. By providing you with best practises, effective tips and techniques, and other useful information, this course, Interacting Collaboratively, will assist you in improving your collaborative communication skills.

Writing for the Business Environment

Organisations place a great value on the ability to communicate effectively and openly in writing. This course is designed to assist students in enhancing their business writing skills. In this course, you will learn concepts, methods, and checklists that can be used to all types of corporate writing such as notes, presentations, booklets and proposals, as well as presentations, catalogues and websites.

Writing E-mails, Memorandums, and Letters that Get Results

Best practises, as well as practical ideas and methods, can help you make better use of these popular internal communications vehicles going forward and also helps in Effective Communication and Presentation Techniques.