March 10, 2025

With new technologies and designs changing the way we shower or take a bath, it is not just in the design of the bathroom walls, showers or taps that one sees modernity but also in the drains. Though, any bathroom can have a linear shower drain installation, you need to be aware of the knowhow about them to take a call on it.

The types of linear shower drains

A linear shower drain is referred to thus because it has a long shape that of a line. It allows the water to drain quickly into the channel located below the floor so that the water enters the drainage system. It can be installed anywhere in the bathroom and that is what makes it so convenient. You can have it along the wall or even on the threshold of your shower. Another place to have it will be below the shower bench. The length of the linear shower drain can be fixed as you wish. It can be very long or a shorter one, say; about just 24 inches.

The different types available are:

Along the wall: This linear shower drain can be installed along the wall of the shower on its rear side. It can also be installed between the shower side walls. 

Wall-tile shower drain: As it suggests, it is installed between the wall and tiled floor, both being at the ends of the drain.

The tile to tile shower drain: This type of linear shower drain is installed in such a way that on either side of the drain, there are floor tiles.

Drain with glass insert: This linear shower drain installation is a tile to tile shower drain but with a glass insert. It can be either opposite to the shower or there can be floor tiles on both sides. There will be a glass insert channel which also lends support to the glass of the shower.

Surrounded by tiles: This is one of most flexible types as it can be installed anywhere in the shower region. It is surrounded by floor tiles on all its four sides. It is also effortless to install and can be done in any bathroom provided there is enough space.

With tiles on three sides: This type of drain is perfect if you are looking at installing one by the wall. That is, you would have three sides floor tiles.  

The corner linear shower drain: This drain is in L-shape and usually is installed in the corner.

To conclude, linear shower drains are definitely one of the best features of a sleek bathroom. With new designs and technology, you not only get variety in designs but you also get great practicality when it comes to its usage and maintenance. Of course, the design of your bathroom is something that will dictate what kind of drain will look best on it. Choosing the linear shower drain for your bathroom can be a great idea provided it looks aligned with your bathroom décor. So, what are you waiting for?