March 10, 2025
Mcorp To The Rescue

The modern office setups are meant to be temporary, and the layout is often designed with the need to move office at short notice. This is because the commercial environment has made such shifts constantly necessary, in keeping with the shifting margins of any Business, and the high cost of holding onto unnecessary assets. But such movement also means stress for the office staff, as the lack of stability results in diminishing performance on the real front. But solutions have always followed problems, and in this case, some unusual consultancies have emerged that specialize only in the smoothest shifting of offices for Clients. M-Corp Consulting are the assured leaders of this kind of work in Australia, who are renowned for their quiet efficiency and speed of operation.

The Clientele

 This widely known and admired company has been providing relocation management over 20 years in Melbourne. By now, its reputation as the most efficient consultancy on relocation in Australia has spread all over, and its portfolio includes large corporate clients as well as small professional organizations. Not just MNCs (Multi National Corporations), but high-profile Government organizations now form the top level Clients List of this Consultancy.

M-Corp Consulting

Precautionary Measures

The Covid19 Pandemic has brought a new set of unique problems to the relocation business. Infection is a common fear, and stringent rules have been laid down by Government and medical authorities to counter the rapid spread of this frightening disease. The consultancy has therefore equipped itself with all the Precautions feasible and available, with top medical advice. The Business of Relocation means hands-on handling of used office furniture, furnishings and equipment, and steps like sanitizing are mandatory now. This Consultancy takes no chances with the lethal viral disease at the heart of the Pandemic.

Areas Covered

The Main Areas tackled are :

  • Relocation Project Management: The Consultancy provides all-encompassing services to their Clients, which includes design, floor plans and layout, assisting with the complete movement of good from one office to the other, logistics, staff integration assistance, and working with staff readiness to move on notice.  
  • Relocation Ancillary Services: All additional services that may be required for the successful Relocation is additionally covered, and provided without demur.
  • Storage Consultancy: The Consultancy runs its own storage audit services conducted by experienced auditors. This provides essential data to ensure seamless relocation.


The biggest tribute to the dedication and hard work, with intelligent, intuitive and effective solutions over so many years displayed by this Consultancy, lies in their constantly filled order-books. M-Corp Consulting is not only the Top Gun in the Relocation Management business in Australia right now, its future at the top looks assured for many years to come.