Starting a business requires careful planning. If all steps are not taken into account and followed consistently, it can be tedious and cumbersome for foreign investors. The consultancy has accumulated over the year experience to fix several unfinished businesses and finally stabilize it by fulfilling other complex and essential prerequisites. For several more reasons, you will need this more reliable consulting service that will grow over time.
When it comes to searching the business register, you need to be sure that this search option will find new companies with all their details and basics. You must enter the company’s name, and you will find all the information you need about it. Now, setting up a Hong Kong company is not difficult if you have the proper understanding. Have adequate and adequate information. For a comprehensive database, you can trust consultants as they have the knowledge and experience to shape any aspiring or budding entrepreneur’s future.
Basic requirements to properly understand why Hong Kong is better for business personnel:
Company name:
With the company registry hong kong, if you’re going to close a business, you don’t have to worry about the company name, but when it comes to name approval at later registration, you need to be unique in terms of thought. The name and trademark cannot be copied.
Selection of directors:
It is a requirement to give a minimum of one director practically no limit on the number of admitted directors. The director can be of any nationality, and there are no strict requirements for him to be a resident of Hong Kong. When you are about to set up a Hong Kong limited company, you can also appoint corporate directors and hold a board meeting anywhere.
Choice of shareholders:
Here, as a director, you need a minimum shareholder; no more than 50 shareholders are allowed. There will be no need for residence, the director and the shareholder can be the same person.
Requirements for a company secretary:
Setting up a company in hong kong, you must have a secretary, and the secretary must reside in Hong Kong, including in an office registered as consultants . They are best known for doing all the secretarial work and doing pretty well. A director or shareholder cannot play the role of the company secretary. The clerk is responsible for keeping all records as well as legal books. Consultants ensure that the company supports all legal needs.
Total capital:
There are practically no requirements for the authorized capital, but, according to general rules, the company’s normal functioning must have at least one shareholder. The stock currency can always be expressed in any base currency. The exchange is very easy to transfer; even collective translation is relatively easy to manage. However, bearer shares are not allowed.
The company must have a registered address:
The company must have a registered address. This address must be written down to the end. The address should be your physical address to which all letters and letters can be sent.
About taxes:
Hong Kong is considered a territorial tax base, with no capital gains tax, withholding tax on dividends. All of these tax systems are business-friendly.