March 10, 2025
Tax Benefits

The EIS or Enterprise Investment Scheme established in The UK in the year 1994 is simply a capital investment in small or unlisted companies helping them to grow somewhat similar to venture capital. It offers various advantages concerning the tax regime of the country.

EIS Share attracts 30 percent taxation allowance

You can get comfort from paying taxation at the beginning up to thirty percent of equity bought under a legitimate scheme. You are eligible to avail of these allowances for the current as well earlier tax cycle, but up to the ceiling of a tax burden, that’s it.

Complete rebate form taxation received as an inheritance

After you contribute to a legitimate EIS and retain it for twenty-four months, it gives you a chance to avail of complete exemption from IHT liability. After you sell this equity, the amount received would no longer be considered for business process re-engineering. But reinvest it, then 24 months retaining will apply to the sum of this combined amount, and therefore, may be eligible for other rebates received from property replacement.

The EIS Shares Scheme

However, such allowance can be availed when this equity is retained until one’s demise. In case, it retains over a couple of fiscals after which shares are sold, and then the eligibility of the exemption is nullified. If your demise within these 24 months occurs when your partner automatically receives the EIS shares, then the years of retention for you both will be considered to check to verify eligibility.

Break from delay in wealth increment taxation

It means delay in getting the advantage of wealth accrued from different sources of the invested amount with diverting such amount in an enterprise investment scheme.

The maximum you can put into EIS per fiscal is 1,000,000 GBP for getting benefits under IT point of view, but for availing benefits under taxation for accrued wealth, there is no limit. To get the benefit, the received amount should be put in various investments in earlier fiscal to increment three fiscals for the delay from accrued wealth taxation.

Growth without taxation worry

If you have retained the EIS share over 36 months after you invested only, then you may easily avail of a taxation break from accrued wealth increments.

Relief from taxation payment in case of loss from investing

Suppose you suffered some loss over an enterprise investment scheme, this figure that you lost minus the IT exemption you got will make you eligible for relief from taxation for current and previous fiscals because it will show your income as less. In turn, you will stand it.